How much dB?

I play the guitar and sing at the Gateway Arch this summer of 2024. The season is not yet over, the days are hot, but we have noticed that they are getting shorter. From where I stand, it takes about a solid hour for its shadow to pass over me.

“When the moon is in the seventh house, and Jupiter is aligned with Mars…”

In a month or two, perhaps next year if it stays warm, I will put down the guitar and stop playing outside.

Passers by can hear the strings of the guitar. But most can’t hear my voice. Sometimes, they will come close to hear my words. But that is uncommon. This is okay with me. I don’t have a lot of confidence as a singer. And I don’t want to intrude something ugly upon tourists enjoying a nice day in the park. Though, I often hear from passers by that they like my voice and would like to hear it.

I didn’t buy a megaphone, but I did buy a voice amplifier. I don’t think I will use it at the Gateway Arch National Park. There are regulations about Free Speech. Yes, I could probably sue in Federal court to amplify my voice. And I might get a Judgement on the acceptable noise level in this National Park. But, no, I probably won’t amplify my voice.

I may go to another park, and use my amplifier there. Like Kiener park.

Today, three pretty girls came up to me. They were dressed in cheerleader’s uniform, like at a football game halftime.

They asked me if I had ever heard of TikTok.

“Yes, I have heard of it, but I have never used it.” Me, showing my age and ignorance. I am from another era.

“Can you play something for us, and we will dance to it. We will post it on TikTok.”

I agreed and then proceeded to try to play “His Latest Flame”. I know that’s a great dance song, and I tried to play it for them.

I don’t think I succeeded because I had trouble remembering all the verses, and also in keeping up with them. I really want to thank them because they made my day. Most of the time I am playing to no one.

Getting out in public is really important to me. I think it keeps me anchored to the real world. It helps to center me. I want to thank everyone that I meet at the Arch. I respect the time, the risk that stopping to talk to a stranger is. But life is too short for everyone to live in a bubble. I feel that we should respect our public liberty, and the respectful public.

Yes, there are always those who abuse these public spaces. I posted about the graffiti. And yes, there are bad actors out there. But I trust that they are the exception, and that good people are the rule.

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