In the previous posting Command line chords the example strum sequence -q “DddE1uuuu” gets the desired rhythmn but has the fixed melody with chords D and E. I want to have a rhythmn that I can use with different chords. You can do this with chord stacks. The M (abbrev. Minus) and P (abbrev. Plus) keys, allow me to Pop and Push to the chord stack respectively.
In the following example, I push chords A, D, E on the chord stack, and then pop and downstrum the virtual guitar three times.
This sounds awful,
The stack is last in / last out (LILO), and so the E chord, in this example a single string, is the first played, followed by the D, and lastly the A.
You can push chords to the chord stack, generally, using the P key, and pop a chord and set the fretboard using the M key.
Chord stacks are available as of version 0.7
With a bit of work, I got this.